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    RBT Practice Exam: 75 Questions for Free


    Are you preparing for the RBT (Registered Behavior Technician) exam and looking for a comprehensive practice test? You’re in the right place! In this blog post, we provide a free practice exam with 75 questions and answers to help you get ready for your certification. We’ll also cover how the RBT exam is structured, what topics are included, and provide essential tips on how to approach your exam preparation. Let’s dive in!


    Section 1: Understanding the RBT Exam


    What is the RBT Exam?

    The Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) exam is a certification exam designed for individuals who work directly with clients in the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA). The exam is a critical step for those pursuing a career as an RBT, as it validates their skills and knowledge in implementing behavior plans under the supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).


    Exam Structure

    The RBT exam is administered by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) and consists of 85 multiple-choice questions, of which 75 are scored and 10 are unscored pilot questions. Candidates are given 90 minutes to complete the exam. The questions are designed to assess your understanding of key principles and your ability to apply them in practical scenarios.


    Section 2: Exam Content and Task List


    Task List Breakdown

    The RBT exam is based on the RBT Task List, which outlines the core responsibilities of a Registered Behavior Technician. The task list is divided into six primary areas:

    • Measurement: Collecting and analyzing data.
    • Assessment: Conducting preference assessments and assisting with functional assessments.
    • Skill Acquisition: Implementing procedures to teach new skills.
    • Behavior Reduction: Using interventions to decrease problem behaviors.
    • Documentation and Reporting: Maintaining accurate and timely records.
    • Professional Conduct and Scope of Practice: Adhering to ethical guidelines and understanding the scope of the RBT role.

    Topics Covered in the Exam

    Each section of the exam focuses on specific topics related to the RBT Task List. Here’s a brief overview of what you’ll need to study:

    • Measurement: Frequency, duration, latency, and interresponse time.
    • Assessment: Preference assessments, skill assessments, and progress monitoring.
    • Skill Acquisition: Discrete trial training, naturalistic teaching, task analysis, and chaining.
    • Behavior Reduction: Functional behavior assessment, antecedent interventions, and consequence strategies.
    • Documentation and Reporting: Data collection methods, reporting procedures, and confidentiality.
    • Professional Conduct: Ethical considerations, scope of practice, and client rights.

    Section 3: Punctuation and Scoring


    How the Exam is Scored

    The RBT exam is scored based on the number of correct responses out of the 75 scored questions. To pass the exam, you must achieve a score that meets or exceeds the passing threshold set by the BACB, which typically ranges from 70-80%. Your score will be provided immediately upon completion of the exam.

    Importance of Punctuation

    While the RBT exam is multiple-choice, punctuation in the question stems and answer choices can significantly impact the meaning. Pay close attention to commas, periods, and conjunctions, as they can alter the intent of the question. Misinterpreting a question due to punctuation errors is a common pitfall, so take your time to read each question carefully.


    Section 4: Practice Exam: 75 Questions and Answers


    Instructions for the Practice Exam

    Before diving into the practice questions, here are a few tips:

    • Simulate Real Exam Conditions: Set aside 90 minutes, find a quiet space, and avoid distractions.
    • Use the Answers for Review: After completing the questions, review your answers to identify areas where you need more practice.
    • Understand the Rationale: Don’t just memorize answers—understand why each answer is correct to deepen your knowledge.

    75 Free Practice Questions and Answers

    This section will include the 75 practice questions and their corresponding answers. You’ll input these based on your preparation.

    Section 5: Tips for Exam Preparation

    Study Tips

    Preparing for the RBT exam requires a solid study plan. Here are some strategies to help you succeed:

    • Use Multiple Resources: Study from a variety of sources, including the BACB’s RBT Handbook, textbooks, online courses, and video tutorials.
    • Create Flashcards: Use flashcards to memorize key terms and concepts.
    • Join Study Groups: Engaging with peers can provide different perspectives and enhance your understanding.

    Time Management

    Effective time management is crucial both during your preparation and on exam day. Here’s how to manage your time:

    • Set a Study Schedule: Break your study sessions into manageable chunks and stick to a consistent schedule.
    • Practice Time Management: When taking practice exams, time yourself to ensure you can complete the exam within the allotted 90 minutes.
    • Prioritize Weak Areas: Spend more time on topics where you feel less confident.

    Practice and Review

    Consistent practice and review are key to passing the RBT exam. Here’s how to make the most of your practice sessions:

    • Take Multiple Practice Exams: The more you practice, the more familiar you’ll become with the exam format and question types.
    • Review Mistakes: After each practice exam, review your incorrect answers to understand your mistakes and learn from them.
    • Seek Feedback: If possible, review your practice exam results with a supervisor or peer to gain additional insights.


    The RBT exam is a significant step in your journey to becoming a Registered Behavior Technician. By using the 75 free practice questions provided in this blog post, along with the study tips and exam preparation strategies outlined, you’ll be well-prepared to take on the challenge. Remember, consistency in your study habits and a thorough understanding of the RBT Task List will greatly increase your chances of success.

    Good luck with your exam, and don’t forget to leave a comment if you have any questions or need further guidance. Also, subscribe to our newsletter for more tips and resources to help you on your path to becoming an RBT!

    Additional Resources

    • BACB RBT Handbook
    • Recommended Reading: Cooper, Heron, and Heward’s “Applied Behavior Analysis”
    • Online Courses: Behavior University, ABA Technologies

    Practice Exam

    1. In the context of behavior reduction, which of the following best describes a common strategy for managing challenging behavior?

    1. Introducing new, more difficult tasks
    2. Increasing the frequency of reinforcement for the undesired behavior
    3. Reinforcing alternative or incompatible behaviors
    4. Ignoring the behavior entirely

    2. What is most crucial for the maintenance and generalization of extinction effects in behavior reduction?

    1. Immediate reinforcement of alternate behaviors
    2. Strictly maintaining a consistent environment
    3. Frequent reminders about the undesirable behavior
    4. Immediate punishment for displaying the undesirable behavior

    3. As an RBT, you are preparing for a skill acquisition session. The skill acquisition plan mentions ‘reinforcement procedures’. What does this term imply?

    1. The techniques used to motivate the client to exhibit difficult or complex behaviors
    2. The paperwork required for maintaining records of the client’s progress
    3. The processes used to diagnose the client’s skill gaps
    4. The methods of punishing the client for undesired behaviors

    4. What is the most effective method to increase the accuracy of continuous measurement procedures in behavioral assessment?

    1. Using subjective judgement
    2. Concurrent multiple data recorders
    3. Ignoring low-frequency behaviors
    4. Relying on memory rather than immediate recording

    5. Why is data collection crucial in Behavior Analysis?

    1. To impress the client with lots of numbers
    2. To track the progress of the intervention and make data-based decisions
    3. Because it is a common practice, but not necessary
    4. To have records in case of lost client files

    6. In which of the following situations would it be most appropriate to use a discontinuous measurement procedure?

    1. When the behavior of interest occurs continuously throughout the observation period.
    2. When the behavior of interest occurs at high rates and is difficult to measure continuously.
    3. When the behavior of interest is very infrequent and largely predictable.
    4. When the observer can predict the exact time when the behavior will occur.

    7. What is the most accurate description of most-to-least prompt fading in a skill acquisition program?

    1. Starting with no prompts and gradually adding prompts as needed.
    2. Starting with the most intrusive prompt and gradually reducing prompt levels until the client can perform the skill independently.
    3. Providing a full prompt regardless of the client’s performance.
    4. Withdrawing all forms of prompts at once and observing if the client can perform the skill independently.

    8. As an RBT, when monitoring the generalization and maintenance of a skill set, what aspects are most crucial to review?

    1. The frequency of the skill use
    2. The consistency of skill use in different settings and with different people
    3. The accuracy of the skill performance
    4. All of the above

    9. In a situation when a client is showing aggressive behavior towards themselves, what is the best immediate action as per the crisis/emergency procedures protocol?

    1. Immediately restrain the client to prevent self-harm
    2. Start recording the client’s behavior for data collection
    3. Try talking the client out of their behavior
    4. Ensure the safety of the client and others present by using the least restrictive procedure required

    10. In the event of a physical aggression crisis, which of the following procedures should an RBT follow as per standard emergency protocol?

    1. Immediately attempt to physically restrain the individual.
    2. Leave the scene promptly to let the client cool down.
    3. Follow the crisis intervention plan specific to the client.
    4. Contact parents or guardians without implementing any immediate intervention.

    11. During a team meeting, it was discussed that a client has been acting unusually at home. As an RBT, how should you handle this sensitive information?

    1. Share the information with a friend who is a psychologist to get their opinion
    2. Discuss the client’s behavior with other clients to gather more information
    3. Keep the information confidential and discuss it directly with your supervisor
    4. Post in an online forum to seek advice from other RBTs

    12. Who is responsible for developing the client’s treatment plan in an ABA therapy program?

    1. The Registered Behavior Technician (RBT)
    2. The client’s parents or caregivers
    3. The Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
    4. The client’s school teacher

    13. As an RBT, after receiving feedback on your performance, which of the following actions would represent continuous self-improvement?

    1. Implement the feedback for a short period and then return to your initial methodology
    2. Depreciate the feedback and continue with your existing practices
    3. Ignore the feedback as you believe your method is superior
    4. Consistently integrate the feedback into your practice and evaluate outcomes

    14. As an RBT, you have been working with a child who has autism, and the child’s parent asks you to babysit over the weekend. What should your response be?

    1. Agree but bill the parent through your employer.
    2. Agree since you have built a relationship with the child.
    3. Disagree to avoid dual relationships.
    4. Agree but do not include any therapeutic strategies while babysitting.

    15. Which is the correct definition of Differential Reinforcement?

    1. Prohibiting reinforcement for inappropriate behaviors
    2. Providing reinforcement for appropriate behaviors, while restricting reinforcement for inappropriate behaviors
    3. Delivering reinforcement after a fixed amount of time
    4. Withholding all reinforcement

    16. Which of the following best characterizes how changes in the environment can influence behavior?

    1. Behavior operates independently regardless of changes in the environment
    2. Changes in the environment can’t influence behavior
    3. Changes in the environment may cause a corresponding change in an individual’s behavior
    4. Changes in the environment correlate with behavior, but don’t directly influence it

    17. As an RBT, you’ve recently received feedback from your supervisor regarding a client’s behavior plan. What is the best course of action?

    1. Ignore the feedback as you are more familiar with the client’s behavior.
    2. Implement the feedback immediately without fully understanding it.
    3. Seek clarification on the feedback from your supervisor, understand it, and then implement it.
    4. Share the feedback with the client’s parents and ask for their opinion.

    18. When conducting a session that requires use of prompt fading, what is the most important thing to consider regarding maintaining appropriate data on prompts?

    1. The number of trials until mastery is reached
    2. The accuracy of the client’s response to each prompt
    3. The type and levels of prompts used
    4. The client’s mood during the session

    19. A parent of a child to whom you are providing therapy starts to confide in you about their personal struggles. What is the most appropriate way to maintain professional boundaries?

    1. Listen and provide advice based on your personal experiences.
    2. Redirect the conversation back to the child’s progress and remind them of your professional role.
    3. Ignore their confidences and pretend you did not hear them.
    4. Inform them that they should seek the advice of their friends instead.

    20. What is the primary reason for updating graphs according to the recorded data in behavioral analysis?

    1. To present data in a visually appealing way
    2. To assist in the identification of behavioral patterns and trends
    3. To provide a record of the behavior for legal purposes
    4. To fulfill an ethical obligation for record keeping

    21. As an RBT, you are asked to measure a client’s behavior of engaging in self-injurious behavior (SIB). The client is scratching his arm until it bleeds. Which of the following describes the best way to measure this using observable and measurable terms?

    1. Record every instance the client seems upset, as this possibly leads to scratching
    2. Measure the duration of time between the start and end of each self-scratching episode to the nearest second
    3. Count how many times a day the client talks about feeling stressed
    4. Monitor whenever the client’s arm appears red or irritated

    22. Which of these is NOT a common function considered when planning a behavior intervention?

    1. Escape from difficult or nonpreferred tasks
    2. Access to adult or peer attention
    3. Access to enjoyable activities
    4. Proximity to the classroom exit

    23. A Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) is working with a client from a culture different than their own. Which of the following is the best indicator that the RBT is maintaining client dignity and demonstrating cultural responsiveness and sensitivity?

    1. The RBT is implementing behavior plans exactly as they were taught, regardless of cultural context.
    2. The RBT learns a few phrases in the client’s language but does not modify their treatment approach.
    3. The RBT researches and attempts to understand the client’s cultural background and modifies their treatment approach accordingly.
    4. The RBT asks the client’s family about all aspects of their culture.

    24. What is the most important component in monitoring progress and adjusting a behavior reduction plan?

    1. Making sure the plan remains unaltered for consistency
    2. Continual data collection and analysis
    3. The initial creation of the plan
    4. Ensuring all team members approve the plan

    25. In the context of implementing shaping procedures and real-time data collection, what does it mean to ‘shape’ behavior?

    1. Making sure the behavior occurs as frequently as possible
    2. Replacing a less desirable behavior with a more desirable one
    3. Gradually changing a behavior over time by reinforcing successive approximations to a terminal behavior
    4. Immediately correcting any undesired behavior

    26. According to the BACB, what is a necessary component of RBT supervision requirements?

    1. Supervision must occur at least once per year.
    2. Supervision must occur at least once per month.
    3. Supervision must occur at least once every two months.
    4. Supervision must occur at least once per week.

    27. How can the outcomes of a preference assessment best be utilized in planning a behavioral intervention?

    1. Using the most preferred item only once as a reward
    2. Using the least preferred items to discourage negative behavior
    3. Incorporating the most preferred items as potential reinforcers for desired behavior
    4. Assigning all preferred items as reinforcers indiscriminately

    28. When implementing a token economy, what is the primary purpose of selecting and establishing backup reinforcers?

    1. To replace primary reinforcers
    2. To ensure tokens have value
    3. To increase the likelihood of positive feedback
    4. To satiate the need for tokens

    29. What does it mean when a client demonstrates full prompt dependence?

    1. The client performs the target behavior independently, without any prompts.
    2. The client only performs the target behavior when provided with a prompt.
    3. The client refuses to perform the target behavior even with a prompt.
    4. The client performs the target behavior inconsistently, sometimes with prompts and sometimes without.

    30. In a session for teaching verbal behavior, an RBT uses a photo of an apple to prompt the client to say ‘apple’. To apply a stimulus control transfer procedure, what should the RBT do next?

    1. Remove the photo immediately and ask the client to say ‘apple’.
    2. Fade the photo gradually while accompanying it with the verbal prompt ‘apple’.
    3. Replace the photo with a new stimulus, such as a photo of a banana.
    4. Show the photo again and ask the client to say ‘orange’.

    31. What is the most appropriate way for a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) to handle constructive feedback from a supervisor?

    1. Dismiss the feedback, unless it’s a compliment.
    2. Immediately defend your actions and question the supervisor’s judgement.
    3. Acknowledge the feedback, reflect on it, and adjust your behavior accordingly.
    4. Submit a formal complaint about the supervisor to upper management.

    32. As an RBT, you noticed that a client has been showing more instances of self-injurious behavior recently. Which of the following steps should you take next?

    1. Ignore the behavior, it will eventually phase out
    2. Document the observations and promptly report to your supervisor
    3. Conduct an independent behavior analysis
    4. Address the behavior directly when you notice it happening

    33. As a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT), which of the following best describes the appropriate way to respond when a BCBA supervisor gives you feedback on a client intervention you have been implementing incorrectly?

    1. Defend your actions and provide reasons why you implemented the intervention in your own way.
    2. Consider the feedback but continue implementing the intervention in the same way as you believe it’s effective.
    3. Accept the feedback and modify your practices according to the supervisor’s advice.
    4. Ignore the feedback as you are the one consistently working with the client and therefore knows best.

    34. During a functional assessment, the RBT is assisting with identifying the antecedents and consequences. Which of the following best describes this process?

    1. Identifying what happens directly after the behavior (consequence) and what events, situations, or circumstances were present when the behavior occurred (antecedent)
    2. Identifying the individual’s skills and proficiency (antecedent) and how they relate to future success (consequence)
    3. Identifying the behavior that is likely to occur (antecedent) and what happens directly before this behavior (consequence)
    4. Identifying what happens directly before the behavior (consequence) and what events, situations, or circumstances were present when the behavior occurred (antecedent)

    35. When utilizing a most-to-least prompt hierarchy in teaching a client a new skill, which of the following sequences best depicts the correct use of this prompt hierarchy?

    1. Verbal Prompt –> Gesture Prompt –> Full Physical Prompt –> No Prompt
    2. Gesture Prompt –> Verbal Prompt –> Partial Physical Prompt –> Full Physical Prompt
    3. Verbal Prompt –> Full Physical Prompt –> Partial Physical Prompt –> No Prompt
    4. Full Physical Prompt –> Partial Physical Prompt –> Gesture Prompt –> No Prompt

    36. Which of the following represents the best example of identifying a target behavior in a written skill acquisition plan?

    1. Anna will increase her social skills.
    2. James will reduce the number of instances of hand-flapping.
    3. Zoe will ask for a drink using a full sentence.
    4. David will become more organized.

    37. Which of the following best describes the basic tenets of reinforcement in behavior analysis?

    1. Reinforcement increases the frequency of a behavior by adding an aversive stimulus.
    2. Reinforcement decreases the frequency of a behavior by removing a pleasant stimulus.
    3. Reinforcement increases the frequency of a behavior by adding a pleasant stimulus or removing an aversive one.
    4. Reinforcement modifies a behavior but does not necessarily increase or decrease its frequency.

    38. What is the primary purpose of a skill acquisition plan within the context of Applied Behavior Analysis?

    1. To effectively communicate to the client the behavior that is expected
    2. To teach new behaviors, based on the client’s individual needs
    3. To document the client’s maladaptive behaviors
    4. To diagnose and treat various neurodevelopmental disorders

    39. As an RBT, what is the most appropriate way to document a client’s behavior during a session?

    1. Write about the client’s behavior in subjective, emotional terms.
    2. Jot down quick notes throughout the session without specifics.
    3. Rely solely on memory of the session to form reports.
    4. Describe what occurred in objective and measurable terms.

    40. An RBT is conducting a direct observation as part of a functional assessment. What should be their primary focus during this process?

    1. Interacting with the client
    2. Identifying triggers and consequences of the target behavior
    3. Making judgments about the client’s behavior
    4. Recording demographic information about the client

    41. What is the primary purpose of a behavior reduction plan in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)?

    1. To punish the individual for engaging in undesirable behavior
    2. To identify and replace negative behaviors with more desirable ones
    3. To ensure the individual follows established rules
    4. To prevent the individual from interacting with others

    42. Within your role as a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT), you are required to communicate with various stakeholders. Who among the following has the primary responsibility of creating a behavior intervention plan (BIP)?

    1. RBT
    2. Behavior Analyst
    3. Parent or Caregiver
    4. Classroom Teacher

    43. Which of the following best describes the essential components of a written skill acquisition plan that includes a generalization and maintenance plan?

    1. Step-by-step instruction, performance criteria, and reinforcement schedule respectively.
    2. The target behavior, creation of an operational definition, and plan for data collection.
    3. Creation of an operational definition, baseline data, and plan for reducing problem behavior.
    4. Identify the skill deficit, intervention strategies, generalization methods, and plan for maintenance.

    44. What is crucial for the maintenance and generalization of the effects of an extinction procedure?

    1. Increase the frequency of the undesirable behavior
    2. Decrease reinforcement for desirable behaviors
    3. Consistently not reinforcing the previously reinforced behavior
    4. Apply extinction procedures sporadically

    45. While preparing data collection, how would an understanding of the principles of generalization and maintenance assist an RBT?

    1. It would help in setting unrealistic expectations for the client’s behavioral improvement
    2. It would assist in determining whether newly acquired behaviors can be exhibited in different situations and maintained over time
    3. It would enable an RBT to ignore the need for continued observation and feedback after desired behavior is achieved
    4. It would reduce the importance of data collection and analysis in behavior modification programs

    46. What is meant by Differential Reinforcement in the context of behavior reduction?

    1. Increasing a behavior by providing consequence only to specific occurrences of the behaviort
    2. Decreasing a behavior by providing consequence selectively to all but the inappropriate behavior
    3. Increasing the frequency of an unwanted behavior
    4. Decreasing a behavior by punishing all the occurrences

    47. Emma, an RBT, observed that a child in her care engages in head banging when he doesn’t want to do a task. What’s the best extinction procedure for Emma to use in this case?

    1. Ignore the child’s head-banging behavior.
    2. Remove the task that triggers the head-banging.
    3. Repeatedly prompt the child to stop the behavior.
    4. Provide consistent positive reinforcement for task completion.

    48. What is the FIRST step in applying stimulus control transfer procedures?

    1. Introduce a new, neutral stimulus.
    2. Decrease the response rate.
    3. Prompt the desired response.
    4. Remove the original controlling stimulus.

    49. As a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT), which of the following actions infringes upon maintaining client dignity?

    1. Providing clear language instructions that the client can understand
    2. Helping the client to make informed decisions about their treatment
    3. Discussing a client’s confidential information in a public place
    4. Respecting a client’s individual preferences and values

    50. In a prompt fading procedure, what is the role of the prompt in encouraging a particular behavior?

    1. It directly reinforces the correct response
    2. It serves as an instruction that guides the correct response
    3. It provides feedback after the correct response
    4. It provides a punishment for incorrect response

    51. In preparing for a session as required by the skill acquisition plan, what is a critical aspect of safety and crisis management?

    1. Locking all doors and windows during the session.
    2. Ensuring escape routes are clear and accessible.
    3. Preventing the client to access any electronic devices during the session.
    4. Keeping all sharp objects hidden during the session.

    52. As an RBT, if you encounter a situation you are unsure of during a session with a client, what is the best course of action according to the supervision requirements outlined by the BACB?

    1. Attempt to handle the situation on your own without consulting your supervisor.
    2. Wait until your next weekly meeting to discuss the situation with your supervisor.
    3. Immediately seek clinical direction from your supervisor.
    4. Consult with a fellow RBT instead of your supervisor.

    53. Identifying the essential components of a written skill acquisition plan, which element would not be suitable for managing a situation of crisis or challenging behavior?

    1. Detailed steps for implementing the behavioral intervention
    2. Long-term aspirational goals for the client’s development
    3. Specific crisis management strategies
    4. Operationally defined behaviors of concern

    54. Julia, a RBT, is working with a learner to distinguish between different items by name. Which of the following represents an accurate use of stimulus control transfer procedures?

    1. Julia trains the learner to associate the word ‘ball’ with a picture of a ball, then stops saying the word while showing the picture.
    2. Julia presents a picture of a ball and a car together, and praises the learner for identifying the ball only.
    3. Julia says the word ‘ball’ while showing a picture of a ball, then gradually stops saying the word but continues to show the picture.
    4. Julia first teaches the learner to identify a picture of a ball, then introduces a picture of a car without first associating it with its name.

    55. You are working with a client who has recently been staying up later at night, and you notice there is an increase in the frequency of their off-task behaviors during your session. As an RBT, what should you do about this relevant variable?

    1. Ignore the change, as it is not directly related to your intervention strategy.
    2. Tell the client to go to bed earlier.
    3. Report this observation to your BCBA supervisor in a timely manner.
    4. Alter your intervention strategy to accommodate for the client’s increased off-task behaviors.

    56. Which of the following would be the most appropriate method for mastering data collection for differential reinforcement?

    1. Collect data after the session, relying on memory
    2. Frequency count for every behavior
    3. Frequent narrative descriptions of behavior
    4. Collect data continuously and in real-time

    57. Jamie, an RBT, is working with a child to enhance their shoe-tying skills. She decides to use prompt fading procedure. Which of the following would be the best method for Jamie to proceed?

    1. Start with a full physical prompt, then gradually reduce the level of her assistance.
    2. Start with no prompt, then gradually increase her assistance if needed.
    3. Start with a full verbal instruction, then gradually switch to non-verbal prompts.
    4. Keep the level of her assistance the same until the child can perform the task independently.

    58. Which of the following strategies can best help prevent prompt overdependence in a skill acquisition program?

    1. Fading prompts quickly and inconsistently
    2. Leaving prompts at full strength for extended periods
    3. Systematically and gradually fading prompts as the learner’s competence increases
    4. Using multiple prompts simultaneously

    59. When implementing discrimination training, your supervisor has asked you to collect data on responses to a particular stimulus. Which of the following best approach would you take?

    1. Collect data only on the responses that lead to the desired outcome
    2. Collect data on all responses, regardless of the outcome
    3. Collect data only on the responses that do not lead to the desired outcome
    4. Skip data collection and focus on teaching new behavior

    60. A Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) uses permanent product recording procedures to track a client’s progress. The RBT recorded that the client completed 15 math problems correctly out of 20, three weeks in a row. What can be inferred from the data?

    1. The client’s math skills have improved.
    2. The client’s math skills have declined.
    3. The client’s math skills have remained consistent.
    4. It cannot be determined based on the data given.

    61. As a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT), what would be the correct protocol if you accidentally left a client’s confidential data at a public place?

    1. Ignore the incident since nobody probably noticed
    2. Inform your supervisor as soon as possible and follow organizational protocol for such incidents
    3. Destroy other copies of the data you have since it’s now compromised
    4. Call the client’s family to apologize and let them know about the incident

    62. What is an essential component to consider when writing a skill acquisition plan and specifically selecting appropriate teaching procedures?

    1. The learner’s preferred play activities
    2. The noise level in the learning environment
    3. The learner’s skills deficit
    4. The color of learning materials

    63. In the preparation of learning materials for an RBT session, which step is typically taken FIRST?

    1. Determine the reinforcers for the session
    2. Review the skill acquisition plan
    3. Assemble the necessary learning materials
    4. Preview the course content with the learner

    64. As a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT), when communicating with stakeholders about a client’s behavior plan, which of the following is the most effective technique?

    1. Use elaborate scientific language to demonstrate your expertise.
    2. Share your personal opinion about the client’s progress.
    3. Avoid direct communication and only provide written reports.
    4. Use clear and simple language, focusing on observable facts.

    65. As an RBT, when should you destroy confidential client records that you no longer need?

    1. Immediately after use
    2. After discussing with the client
    3. In accordance with applicable legal, regulatory, and workplace requirements
    4. Once the records are a year old

    66. As an RBT, what is the most ethical approach when documenting and reporting session notes?

    1. Include subjective insights about the client’s emotions and feelings.
    2. Describe what occurred during the sessions objectively, without any personal bias.
    3. Include personal opinions about the behavior of the client to provide context.
    4. Only document the interventions that were successful.

    67. As an RBT, how should you manage and organize the data you’ve collected?

    1. Store it without any organization for retrieval when needed
    2. Discard any data that seems unusual or out of place
    3. Keep it organized, transparent, relevant, easily retrievable and understandable
    4. Randomly document and arrange it and expect the BCBA to sort it out

    68. Why is it important for an RBT to maintain regular communication with their supervisor?

    1. To build a personal relationship with the supervisor
    2. To ensure prompt resolution of difficulties and effective implementation of behavior plans
    3. To discuss matters unrelated to the client
    4. It is not important, the implementation of treatment plans is entirely the responsibility of the RBT.

    69. As an RBT, you are required to graph client data in a way that allows for effective communication. Which of the following elements is NOT necessary when creating an effective graph?

    1. Clearly labeled axes
    2. The use of a variety of vibrant colors to represent data
    3. Key or legend explaining symbols
    4. Data points accurately represented

    70. In behavioral data analysis, what purpose does a cumulative frequency graph provide?

    1. It represents the total number of occurrences at each specific period.
    2. It represents the average number of occurrences per interval.
    3. It represents a variable changes over an extended time period.
    4. It resolves discrepancies in the data.

    71. During an indirect functional assessment, which of the following is a primary method of gathering information?

    1. Observing the individual in various settings
    2. Conducting structured interviews with caregivers
    3. Utilizing experimental manipulation of variables
    4. Implementing change in antecedent and consequent events

    72. What is the best definition for permanent product recording?

    1. Recording behaviour in real-time as it happens
    2. Recording the tangible result or outcome of a behavior as the basis for assessing the occurrence of the behavior
    3. Recording behavior at the end of each day
    4. Recording a summary of behavior change after an intervention program

    73. Which of the following is NOT a standard method used in behavioral assessment?

    1. Interviews
    2. Descriptive assessment
    3. Functional analysis
    4. Psychoanalysis

    74. Which of the following is an example of utilizing a functional assessment procedure during the individualized assessment process?

    1. Implementing a preference assessment to determine potential reinforcers.
    2. Conducting a baseline assessment to identify the current level of functioning.
    3. Executing a literacy test on a client to establish reading level.
    4. Performing a physical check-up for health evaluation.

    75. As a RBT preparing for a skill acquisition session, which of the following is the most crucial aspect of understanding reinforcement procedures?

    1. Knowing which classroom the student usually learns in
    2. Understanding the preferred interests or hobbies of a student
    3. Identifying and utilizing reinforcers that increase the target behavior
    4. Knowing the names of all the caregivers of the student